Dangers of hemorrhoid

5 Dangers of hemorrhoid complications and the best way to treat it

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Dangers of hemorrhoid

Dangers of hemorrhoids can lead to several complications, ranging from anemia to clogged arteries. Hemorrhoids are a medical condition when the anus and lower rectum veins become swollen.

The disease, also known as hemorrhoids, is divided into two types, namely internal hemorrhoids (growing inside the rectum) and external hemorrhoids (under the skin around the anus). Let’s find out more about the potential dangers of hemorrhoids and their possible complications.

Dangers of hemorrhoids and five complications that will occur

Quoted from the Mayo Clinic, hemorrhoids are a common disease. About three out of four adults can suffer from it. On this basis, perhaps hemorrhoids are often underestimated. If not treated seriously, several dangers of hemorrhoids can occur.

1. Blockage of the arteries

Quoted from Healthline, one of the consequences of severe hemorrhoids that are not treated is the blockage of the arteries that send fresh blood to the hemorrhoids themselves.

When the artery is blocked, the blood supply to the hemorrhoid is blocked. As a consequence, this condition can cause very intense and unbearable pain.

2. Anemia

An ambient hazard left alone can cause bleeding, and this problem can then lead to anemia.

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Anemia can make sufferers feel tired, short of breath, headaches, and dizziness due to blood loss.

3. Prolapsed hemorrhoids

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The next danger of severe hemorrhoids is prolapsed hemorrhoids, and this condition occurs when hemorrhoids protrude from the anus and cause pain.

One of the hallmarks of prolapsed hemorrhoids is the appearance of one or more lumps around the anus.

The hemorrhoidal lump can be pushed back into the anus to relieve symptoms in some cases. Even so, it does not mean hemorrhoid suffered has healed.

4. Infection

The next danger of hemorrhoids that are not treated immediately is infection. When there is bleeding in a hemorrhoid, bacteria can enter it and cause the tissue in the area to become infected.

Un untreated infections can lead to other complications, ranging from tissue death and abscesses to fever.

5. Thrombosis

Thrombosis is one of the dangers of hemorrhoids that it should not underestimate. This condition generally occurs if external hemorrhoids are not treated.

Thrombosis is a medical condition when a blood vessel blocks an artery or vein. Symptoms also vary, ranging from pain and swelling to numbness in one part of the body.

Worse yet, thrombosis can lead to life-threatening complications, from stroke to heart attack.

How to prevent hemorrhoid complications

After understanding the dangers of hemorrhoids, now is the time to know how to prevent hemorrhoid complications.

There are several steps you can practice to prevent complications from hemorrhoids and hemorrhoids, including:

1. Eating high-fiber foods

Try to eat more fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, which are high in fiber. It can make the stool soft and increase its density.

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You don’t have to strain too much when you have a bowel movement, and it can prevent hemorrhoids.

Even so, do not consume too much fiber. Try adding fiber to your diet gradually to avoid gas buildup.

2. Drinking water

Aim to drink six to eight glasses per day to make stools soft. The stool becomes soft, and you don’t have to strain too much during a bowel movement.

3. Don’t push when you pee

One way to prevent complications of hemorrhoids and hemorrhoids is not to push. According to the Mayo Clinic, straining and holding your breath while having a bowel movement can put excessive pressure on the veins in the lower rectum and make hemorrhoids worse.

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4. Don’t delay defecation

When you feel the urge to defecate, immediately go to the bathroom. Delaying bowel movements can make stools dry and difficult to pass.

5. Exercising

Exercising is a fairly effective way to prevent constipation and relieve pressure on the blood vessels.

In addition, this activity can also help you lose excess weight, which is often the cause of hemorrhoids.

6. Avoid sitting too long

Sitting too long, especially on the toilet, can increase pressure on the veins in the anus. Therefore, immediately get out of the toilet if you have finished defecating.

Treating Hemorrhoids Medically


So that the various complications above do not occur, go to the doctor to get the hemorrhoid condition checked. One of the medical procedures recommended by doctors is rubber band ligation.

The doctor can tie the hemorrhoid with a rubber band to stop the blood from circulating to the hemorrhoid area in this procedure. So, the size of a hemorrhoid can be small.

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In addition, doctors can also suggest injection therapy or what is known as sclerotherapy. Through this procedure, the doctor will inject a chemical compound into the vein directly to reduce the size of hemorrhoid.

In severe cases, namely grade 3 or 4 hemorrhoids, the doctor will usually perform surgery to remove hemorrhoids or hemorrhoidectomy.

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