Causes of a lot of mucus in the throat

8 Causes of a lot of mucus in the throat

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Having a lot of mucus in the throat is very annoying. Moreover, phlegm gets stuck in the back of the throat, making it hard to swallow mucus at the back of the throat. So, what reason is mucus in the throat?

About the phlegm in the back of the throat

Causes of a lot of mucus in the throat

Phlegm is a slippery substance that acts as a lubricant for the sinuses and throat.

This substance is produced by the mucus cells in the mucous glands, which contain water, mucin, salts, electrolytes, and various types of cells, such as epithelial cells.

Having phlegm is normal. A person can have phlegm in his throat even though he is healthy.

Reporting to the Cleveland Clinic, the average body produces 1-2 liters of mucus daily, which is used to keep the throat moist and help the respiratory system.

In addition, phlegm also serves to help fight the cause of irritation and infection.

The liquid and slippery texture of mucus play an essential role in protecting the throat from foreign substances entering this channel.

It’s just that, in some instances, phlegm production can occur too much. Generally, this happens when you have a cough or flu.

When dirty particles, viruses, or disease-causing bacteria enter the throat, the body will recognize them as foreign substances. This foreign substance then sticks to the mucus.

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Furthermore, the body will excrete contaminated mucus in the form of phlegm through coughing (coughing with phlegm).

However, other conditions make phlegm keep coming out and building up in your throat. What’s that?

It causes a lot of mucus in the throat.

Here are some factors that cause a lot of phlegm in the throat:


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Mucus production will usually be produced more quickly when the body is experiencing an infection.

That is the body’s natural response to remove any foreign particles that may be causing an infection.

In short, the body tends to stimulate the production of mucus to increase its defense against foreign objects that enter the body. As a result, there is a thickening of the mucus.

In this phase, the easiest way out of thick mucus is through the throat, causing a buildup of phlegm in the throat.

Pollutant irritation

Accidentally inhaling polluting fumes or toxic gases, such as sulfur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide, can cause excessive mucus production.

This condition irritates the respiratory tract, so the throat becomes inflamed and swollen. As a primary response, phlegm is eventually produced in excess.

Acute sinusitis

Acute sinusitis is a condition characterized by swelling of the sinus cavities.

The swelling restricts the sinus passages, which in turn causes mucus to form.

A bacterial or fungal infection can cause acute sinusitis.

In addition, sleeping on your back when you have a sinus infection also causes mucus to build up in the back of your throat, which can lead to sore throats and sleep problems.


An allergic reaction is one of the things that can cause a runny throat.

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When exposed to an allergen, such as food, dust, or pollution, your body quickly releases histamine.

As a result, some reactions can cause nasal obstruction and allow mucus to flow from the nose to the throat.

Stomach acid increases

Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) occurs when stomach acid backs up into the esophagus.

This condition can trigger a buildup of phlegm in the throat but is not accompanied by coughing. That is because gastric acid reflux in the larynx (LPR) can injure the throat.

When irritated by stomach acid, the throat automatically produces mucus to prevent continued inflammation.

GERD can be triggered by foods that can cause stomach acids, such as coffee, spicy foods, carbonated drinks, and foods high in fat.



Along with weight gain, unstable emotions, and morning sickness, excess mucus production can result from the effects of pregnancy.

Hormonal changes during pregnancy can dry out the nasal passages causing them to become inflamed.

As a result of these problems, the throat can become phlegm, but no cough.

You can use a warm wet cloth on your nose or cheek to improve respiratory circulation due to mucus buildup.

Drinking milk

Consuming dairy products when you have a cold, flu, or fever can cause thickening and uncontrolled mucus production.

Drinking milk, wheat products, and eggs can worsen your food allergy symptoms and cause excess mucus, which can eventually build up in your throat.

Certain physiological factors

A person with throat disorders and swallowing problems can also cause a buildup of mucus in the throat.

That is because people with throat and swallowing disorders have throat muscles with poor control. As a result, mucus is more difficult to expel and settles in the throat.

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In addition, we have a deviated septum, a condition in which the cartilage that divides the nose into two sides moves, which can also cause changes in mucus flow.

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