Bikram Yoga

Is Bikram Yoga for a more effective fat burning?

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Bikram Yoga

Currently, various types of yoga are emerging, one of which is Bikram yoga which is part of hot yoga. This type of yoga involves indoor heat during the exercise. In recent years, yoga has become increasingly popular among people. Not only as fitness, but yoga also seems to have become a lifestyle for some people.

The Bikram yoga movement not only involves relaxation and meditation to maintain fitness and prevent stress but can help you burn more body calories. So, are the benefits of Bikram yoga practical?

What is Bikram yoga?

Bikram yoga is part of hot yoga, done in a hot room, around 36-40°C. This type of yoga was first popularized by Bikram Choudhury, an Indian yoga teacher, in the 1970s.

The movements you do in Bikram yoga are generally the same as in regular yoga. However, Bikram yoga demonstrates 26 yoga postures and two breathing exercises performed in a hot room for 90 minutes.

As for the Bikram yoga poses that you can practice, some are as follows.

Pranayama breathing

Deep breathing in a standing position aims to provide oxygen to the body, increase circulation, and focus before exercise.

Half moon pose (Ardha chandrasana)

Muscle stretching movements strengthen the abdominal and spinal muscles and the organs in the digestive system.

  Diaphragmatic breathing and techniques to improve lung function

Triangle pose (Trikonasana)

The movement focuses on the core, hip, and leg muscles to revitalize, strengthen, and stretch the body.

Corpse pose (Savasana)

The body’s position is prone on the floor as a transition between standing and sitting poses. This yoga pose aims to relax the body and then increase its awareness.

Cobra pose (Bhujangasana)

Stretching movements in a prone position stretch and strengthen the core muscles, and this yoga movement prevents back pain.

Spine twisting pose (Ardha matsyendrasana)

The circular motion of the body towards both sides of the spine restores circulation to the surrounding area.

Kapalabhati breathing

Kapalabhati breathing

Deep breathing in a kneeling position to restore a stable body condition after practising yoga.

Apart from these movements, another unique thing about Bikram yoga is that the yoga instructor will not demonstrate these postures. The instructor will talk about the movement guide so that participants stop to think for a moment.

The primary purpose of yoga is a mindfulness practice or thinking only for the present moment with what you are doing, without thinking past and the future. Mindfulness practice can help reduce anxiety so that move will reduce stress.

Benefits of Bikram yoga for body health

Vinyasa yoga

A study from the American Council on Exercise considers Bikram yoga to be quite a challenging exercise. The average heart rate when doing this yoga increases by about 72-80%. In this study, participants argued that Bikram yoga was considered a strenuous exercise because the heat could cause them to sweat more.

The benefits of yoga that you need to underline are that this exercise can help change your habits. One example is that you will focus more on food taste and the chewing process while eating.

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This thinking pattern makes it easier for you to feel full, leading to a healthy life and weight balance. A study says that a yoga practitioner usually gains less weight over ten years than other people who don’t do yoga.

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