Benefits of applying Fish Oil to Face

5 Benefits of applying Fish Oil to Face! Great for dry skin

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The benefits of applying Fish Oil to Face are considered very good because fish oil contains omega 3, which is very good for health, including facial skin health.

Omega 3 fatty acids in fish oil consist of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA). EPA has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that are very beneficial for the skin, especially preventing the appearance of signs of ageing on the face.

Benefits of applying Fish Oil to Face

Various Benefits of applying fish oil to face

There are several benefits of fish oil for the fact that you can get, such as:

1. Hydrates skin

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Omega 3 fatty acids can hydrate the skin while preventing the skin from losing fluids so the face does not look dry.

To get the benefits of fish oil for the face, you can apply fish oil directly on dry skin areas.

2. Reduce hyperpigmentation

Hyperpigmentation is patches of skin that are darker than the surrounding skin. In other words, it will make the skin look striped. Hyperpigmentation can occur due to increased melanin production. This condition can be caused by acne, scratches, or sun exposure.

The omega 3 content in fish oil is believed to help disguise hyperpigmentation that occurs on the face by minimising wound infections and accelerating healing.

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In addition, the DHA contained in fish oil can also inhibit melanin production, thereby reducing the risk of hyperpigmentation caused by UV rays from the sun.

3. Protects from sun damage

The content of Omega 3 in fish oil is believed to protect the skin from harmful ultraviolet A (UVA) and ultraviolet B (UVB) rays. By taking fish oil supplements, you can potentially get the following benefits:

  • A lower risk of experiencing skin sensitivity due to ultraviolet rays increases the skin’s resistance to sunburn.
  • Reduces UVB exposure by up to 25%.
  • Reduces fluid-filled blisters after exposure to UV rays.

4. It helps speed up skin recovery.

Some limited evidence suggests that topical application of omega 3s can speed the healing of minor cuts or scrapes. You can take advantage of this potential to treat wounds in the facial skin area.

5. May reduce the severity of acne

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The benefits of consuming fish oil for the face may be able to prevent or reduce the severity of acne. Omega 3 has anti-inflammatory properties that have been shown to reduce inflammation in acne.

However, several studies show the effects of omega 3, which vary in each individual. So more research is needed to confirm this effect.

How to use fish oil for skin health

The best way to use fish oil for skin health is to take it in supplement form, usually in the form of gel capsules. Fish oil is also available in liquid form, but not everyone may be able to tolerate the smell or taste.

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Of course, you can also use fish oil for your face by applying it directly to the surface of your skin. But you might not like it because the fish oil smell can be very strong.

The risks of applying fish oil to the face

Although rare, they are using fish oil for the face has an allergy risk, especially for those who already have an allergy to fish or shellfish.

  • Allergy symptoms after consuming fish oil may include headaches, wheezing, diarrhoea, and itching.
  • People with fish or shellfish allergies who react to fish oil may also develop eczema.
  • A person who already has eczema may be able to make the symptoms worse.
  • If you are prone to acne, applying fish oil to your skin may cause breakouts.

That’s the benefit of applying fish oil to the face. It’s a good idea to make sure beforehand that you don’t have an allergy to fish oil. If symptoms of a severe allergic reaction such as difficulty breathing occur, visit the emergency department immediately to get the necessary treatment.

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